Benefits of Surat Al-Ikhlas For Gratitude and Procedures to Apply it

So many benefits or benefits a person can get if he will practice this prayer letter of IKHLAS truly and consistently or regularly and istiqomah. One of the most famous properties is the efficacy of Surat Al-Ikhlas for mercy. However, if done in a certain way.
As for how to apply Efficacy Surat Al Ikhlas for pengasihan we will discuss in detail in the following article. Karomah IKHLAS letter AL so extraordinary especially in terms of mercy, including as follows!

Benefits of Surat Al-Ikhlas For Compassion
1. Awaken the aura on the face to look beautiful natural or handsome charming.
2. Smooth the soul mate.
3. Launched your business.
4. Reconcile husband and wife relationship.
5. To radiate an aura of self-pity
6. Loved a superior or respected by subordinates.
7. Can attract the opposite sex with the charm of your aura.
8. Disbelieved by many people and respected in the community.
9. Can also be used by Agent or Trading broker, so many relations.
10. And many more virtues are stored in it.

How to Apply Surah Al-Ikhlas for Compassion
Before you know how Benefit Surah Al-Ikhlas for compassion, then first know the sound and meaning of the letter of Al Ikhlas.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only
2. God is God who depends on Him all things
3. He is neither child nor begotten
4. And no man is equal to Him

The way mengamalkannya namely:

To be able to feel the efficacy of Surat Al-Ikhlas for pengasihan, then you must start with solat hajat 2 rakaat at night that is over at 11 pm. After greeting, read Al-Ikhlas letter 77 times.

After that, read Al-Fatihah letter 11 times that you specially give to the person you want to be a spouse, or the person you want to melt his heart. Do the practice of Al Ikhlas letter consistently / istiqomah for at least 40 days.
Insha Allah after 40 days then your aura of mercy will be radiated and make your face brighter naturally. Similarly Surah Al Ikhlas Benefits for pengasihan may be useful for you. BARAKALLAH.

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