Dahsyatnya Dzikir Allah 5000 Times Accelerate the Accomplishment of All Hajar

Hadith which reads:
Al Imam Ahmad Bin Ali Al Buni Ra said: If you want to fulfill your problem in an instant, so dhikr with lafdhul JALALAH YA GOD 66 times then read BismillahirRohmanirRohim and so on (as stated in Mujahadah Al Wasilah) so you will see an amazing miracle .

God's Remembrance 5000 Times
Do Dzikir Allah 5000 Times after prayer, you can recite in five times your prayer. For example, praying dawn 1000 times, dhuhur prayer 1000 times, ashar 1000 times, maghrib 1000 times, isyak 1000 times. You can also add when you finished performing shalat / tahajud.

Dzikir Allah 5000 This time it is very mustajab also to open the aura of authority, for mercy, to facilitate the search for sustenance or even be used to treat diseases that are difficult to cure. In accordance with the following hadith:

Al Imam Ahmad Bin Ali Al Buni Ra said Whoever multiply dhikr Ya Allah to some sick people who can not heal by some doctors / some doctors so he recovered because barokahnya dhikr Ya Allah as long as it did not come his end.

How to Meal Ya Haiyyu Ya Qayyum 1000 Times
You can read Dzikir Ya Haiyyu Ya Qayyum 1000 This time in all the time, can after prayer fardhu five time or after shalat hajat or tahajud. But the best time to read Dzikir Ya Haiyyu Ya Qayyum 1000 This time is after completing the Sunnah prayer Tahajud / sholat Hajat.

Hikmah Dzikir Allah 5000 Kali
There are some wisdom that you can feel when you routinely read Allah's Dzikir 5000 Kali, including:

So leaders who are authoritative, wise, obedient, respected and respected. As per Hadist:

Al Imam Ahmad Bin Ali Al Buni Ra said in the book Manba`u usulil hikmah page. Who wants to pray two congregations because of Allah, in the first rokaat reciting Al fatihah and Verse chairs, second rokaat recited Al fatihah and Surat Al ihklas, after greeting then read Ya Allah 111 then ask God leadership, dignity, man, manages his words or commandments and submission of creatures to him, so he will acquire them because God granted his request.

Hikmah Dzikir Ya Haiyyu Ya Qayyum 1000 Times
Praise Dzikir Ya Haiyyu Ya Qayyum 1000 This time could be a helper when you really want to sustenance abundant. There are also powerful properties where your life will experience amazing miracles. All matters simplified by Allah SWT, as where Al Imam Ahmad Bin Ali Al Buni Ra said in the book Manba`u usulil wisdom page 112. Whoever dhikr with Asma Allah YES ALLAH 5000 x ago YES HAYYU YA QOYYUM 1000 times so will find a miracle that amazing in giving and multiply rizqi and facilitate the problem.

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