The Secret Behind The AL-Fatihah Letter

It is believed that among the various properties contained in Surah
Al-Fatihah are as follows:

1. Whoever recites Surah Al-Fatihah in a state of ablution 70 times a day for seven days then blown on holy water then drunk then he will get knowledge and wisdom and his heart cleaned from the mind damaged (dirty, nasty).

2. Whoever reads 'Surah Al-Fatiha' while going to bed, Surah 'Al-Ikhlas' 3 times and Mu'awwidzatain then he will be safe from anything other than death. And whoever wants something to Allah then he read Al-Fatihah 41 times between the Fajr and Fajr prayers for Fifteen days (no more) then pleads to Allah SWT, God willing, He will fulfill his needs.

3. Whoever reads Fatihah with Bismillah between Fajr and Fardu Dawuh with Istiqomah then if he wants rank, granted his petition and if he fakir it will be rich and if have debt then he will be able to pay it and if he is sick it will heal and if he had children and his son became a solemn child, thanks to the Surah Al-Fatihah.

4. Whoever practiced the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah 20 times after the completion of prayer fardu five times then Allah SWT will expand his sustenance, make good morality, ease his affairs, remove his concern and his distress, confer what he wishes, he will get various blessings , goodness and glory, make him authoritative, noble, good luck and he and his children will be protected from harm, damage and blessed happiness etcetera.

5. Whoever practices Al-Fatihah read 125 times after the dawn prayer then he will get his point and find what he is looking for and should be prayed: O Allah, I pray to You with the truth of Surah Al-Fatihah and his secret, to make it easy for me all my business, both world affairs and affairs akirat, in order to diijabah my request and fulfilled my intentions ......... .. "

6. Whoever practices the recitation of Al-Fatihah at dawn (midnight) 41 times then Allah Almighty will open the door of sustenance for him and He will facilitate his affairs without the trouble and trouble. Finished reading the Al-Fatihah and should pray "O Allah, I pray to You with the truth of the Surah Al-Fatihah and the secret, that You will open for me the doors of Your grace, Your grace and Your sustenance. And Thou shalt ease me in all my affairs, save unto me the sustenance of thy blessings without any defect and without effort, thou art the mighty over every thing. I beg of You with the truth of the Surah Al-Fatihah and his secret, give me what I love ...... .. "

7. Narrated from Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibnul Arabi in the book 'Qaddasallaahusirrahu': "Who has the intent then he should read al-Fatihah letter 40 times after Maghrib prayer and circumcision, finished it applying his request to Allah SWT"

8. Surah Al-Fatihah can be used to treat eye diseases, toothache, abdominal pain and others with 41 times read as follows: Read SurahAl-Fatihah 40 times in place of water, then the water is rubbed on both split hands, both legs, face, head and whole body, then the rest drunk, God willing to be healed.

9. If the Surah Al-Fatihah is written in separate letters and then merged with holy water and dipinumkan to sick people, then with the will of Allah SWT he will recover.

10. To eliminate forgetfulness: Write the Al-Fatihah letter with Arabic letters in white and holy place then wiped with water and given drink to the forgetful person, then he will lose his forgetfulness with the permission of Allah SWT

11. Treating the pain caused by scorpion stings: Take a clean place and filled with water and a little salt then read to him Surah Al-Fatihah 7 times and then given a drink to the person who stung at that time, God willing he will recover.

12. Treating toothache and others: For himself = place your finger in the sick place and read Al-Fatihah and pray 7 times: "O Allah, remove from the ugliness and abominations that I find with the prayer of Your honest prophet (al-Amin) and remain by Your side ".

13. Treating other people's dental diseases: finished reading Al-Fatihah then praying 7 times: "O Allah, remove this man of evils and abominations that I find with the prayer of Your honest prophet (al-Amin) and remain with you" .

14. Cure blurred eye disease (blindness) Prophet Muhammad SAW.: "Whoever wants to heal the weakness of his vision (blurred / blurred) then do:
* Looking at the moon at the beginning of the month, if it is not visible or blocked by clouds and other things, do it on the second night, if unsuccessful try on the third night or so until it appears to him that month.
* When it has been seen, let him sweep his right hand by reading al-Fatihah 10 times.
* After praying 7 times with this prayer: "al-Fatihah dawaa`un likulli daa`in birohmatika yaa arhamarroohimiin"
 "Al-Fatihah is a medicine for every disease with your grace, O loving God."
* Then say "Yaa Rabbi" 5 times.
* Lastly say this prayer as much as 1 times: "Allahummasyfi antasysyaafi wa'aafi antal 'aafi"
 "O God heal, Thou healeth, O God be well, Thine is healthful".

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